vendredi 24 octobre 2014

Injection help

Hello -

I have a provider who wants to bill 20551 and 20526. Per ncci edits this code pair comes up as a 1 so we can use a modifier if it is appropriate. My problem is... I dont know if I should place a 59. Does the wrist have separate compartments that we can use to say ithat s why we used the 59?

Medical states:

1. A corticosteriod injection to the second dorsal compartment in the area of intersection syndrome was provided. Patient tolerated well.

2. A corticosteriod injection was administered to the carpal tunell. Patient tolerated well.

I just dont want to chuck a 59 on the code pair of 20551 20526 so I need to be able to rationalize how they are separate. I am not sure how to do that. Any help?


Injection help

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