The cpc exam needs to be revised. It is entirely multiple choice and the percentage required to pass is too low. Therefore, the coding profession has been flooded with thousands of people who may not really be quallified for a coding job but they get one because they have passed the cpc exam. It is making it harder for experienced knowledgeable coders to get jobs because they are being taken by people who really shouldn't have passed the test. I have known people to pass it by just guessing through the whole test because they really have no idea what they are doing. I know the AAPC makes more money from more certified members but it is really hurting the profession. At the very least make a section of the test fill in the blank. Have a portion where the answers aren't provided for you. The majority of the multiple choice answers are easy to rule out. I can't understand why only a 70% is required to pass. when you get a coding job most places require a 95% accuracy. If my child were to bring home a 70% on a test I would be pretty disappointed. At least require a B to pass which would be an 80%.
CPC exam
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