jeudi 30 juillet 2015

Colonoscopy with india ink marking of polyp


I have been struggling with a procedure performed by one of our surgeons and I am getting conflicting information and I am hoping someone can help. One of our general surgeons performed a colonoscopy for the purpose of marking a known polyp during a scheduled partial colectomy. The physician inserted the scope and reached the polyp which was just proximal to the hepatic flexure and used india ink to mark the polyp. The physician did not go any farther into the colon. The surgeon then proceeded with a laparscopic right hemicolectomy. Since the colonoscopy was utilized only in order to aid in the identification of the polyp during the hemicolectomy, I don't believe we can charge for this procedure. Is this correct or can we bill for the colonoscopy as a reduced procedure? Incidently, the poyp turned out to be an invasive adenocarcinoma (which was confirmed during surgery) which is why the surgeon converted the surgery ot a right hemicolectomy with primary anastomosis.

Any advice or assitance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Colonoscopy with india ink marking of polyp

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