vendredi 19 septembre 2014

Office Based Radiology Coding of Diagnosis

HELP!! In our practice we now employ our own Radiologists. These radiologists will read the various exams and will assess what they find on the report. I know as a coder for office based services that we would code the finding of the radiologist. Not what he suspects but actually what was found on the report. I have a compliance officer who is RHIT and who has insisted that we only code for what the test was ordered for. She is relating this to the rules of inpatient coding for radiologists that only provide the results and who the physician would then make the diagnosis. Now I could be wrong but from everything I see from the AAPC we should bill the radiologist finding and not the indication. As per the diagnosis guidelines if we have a definitive diagnosis or in this case a definitive finding we should code that and not the indication. Can any radiology coder help me with this problem. Thank you in advance

Office Based Radiology Coding of Diagnosis

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