jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Benign excision, path came back malignant, code malignant excision?

I'm reading that when we do a benign excision, we wait for the path and it comes back to be malignant, we should still code the benign excision code because that's what was done in the first place.

I read others that say to code it as a malignant excision just because the path came back to be malignant.

Which one is correct?

Also a global question, since the path came back unexpectedly to be "LEIOMYOSARCOMA" (we initially thought it was a benign cyst) can we bill a separate e/m within the global from the excision since the growth turned out to A LOT more serious than we originally thought and we have to have a long discussion with the patient about it?

Benign excision, path came back malignant, code malignant excision?

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