mercredi 1 octobre 2014

Poisoning and Therapeutic Use

In the Table of Drugs and Chemicals, can you use a code for poisoning and code for therapeutic use for same visit? I have been told that those two codes do not go together, if it is therapeutic use and the patient was taking med correctly then it would be an adverse reaction, not a poisoning. However, I recently started teaching a class and the answer key is giving the poisoning code along with the therapeutic use code.

For example, patient was taking ibuprofen prescribed by physician according to directions. She was found to have a gastrointestinal bleed due to ibuprofen. Would this be coded with adverse reaction code, therapeutic use, or poisoning with therapeutic use?

I guess now I am second guessing my knowledge of adverse reaction versus poisoning.

Thanks for your help,


Poisoning and Therapeutic Use

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