Good afternoon!
I really need help with a case that I'm not sure how to code. The anesthesiologist was providing anesth for a puncture, here is the neurologist note:
anesthesia and lumbar puncture
I really need help with a case that I'm not sure how to code. The anesthesiologist was providing anesth for a puncture, here is the neurologist note:
Taken to Post Op to try cisternal tap but after 2 passes and consultation with anesthesia, it was decided to try LP from below. Dr. KXXXX was able to get into the SA space from an angle and we collected about 16 cc CSF slowly. It was clear and colorless.
So the Anesth provided the anesthesia and then had another anesth come in for a minute to moniter the anesthesia, while he actually did the spinal tap for the neurologist. Do I just bill for the anesthesia and call it a day? LOL
anesthesia and lumbar puncture
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