mercredi 18 février 2015

New consult vs established patient

Can anyone give me a link that I would be able to print information off for my physicians regarding if a patient is to be charges new or established. I want them to be able to see in print that you can only charge for a consult regardless if it is inpt or outpt every 3 years if you are treating for the same problem or if a partner within the practice has seen the patient for the same diagnosis in the last 3 years. We are having a lot of patient's that are seen in the office and a month or two later may end up in the hospital and the diagnosis remains the same we are not seeing them for a different problem or we have a patient who may get discharged but return to the hospital for the same diagnosis a few days later (abd pain, cirrhosis, rectal bleeding) and they are wanting to charge a consult for each admission.


New consult vs established patient

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