Op report states, "..the right below-the-knee amputation site was approached and sharply debrided into the subfascial plan removing all necrotic and devitalized tissue to healthy bleeding tissue. The would was then copiously irrigated with sterile saline. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. Sterile Betadine packing was placed."
27884 vs 11043
Would you code debridement (11403) or secondary closure of scar revision of leg amputation (27884)?
Clinical Responsibility of the 27884 describes irrigation of open wound or excised scar, trimming skin edges and soft tissue, and closing skin over the stump. It's the "closing of skin over the stump" that has me ...well...stumped.
Any professional opinions are greatly appreciated. :-)
Becky, CPC
27884 vs 11043
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