samedi 31 janvier 2015

peripheral vascular stent

Needing assistance on the codes for this report, thank you!

Based on findings of diagnostic catheterization, intervention was

undertaken on the ostial proximal left main coronary artery.

Prior to intervention, the flow in the target vessel was TIMI 3.

Angiomax was used for anticoagulation.

The guide used was a XB LAD 3.5 6 French guide catheter.

The lesion was wired with a Runthrough 0.014 guidewire.

The lesion was pre-treated with a 3.0 x 12 mm balloon.

A Volcano Eagle Eye Ivus catheter was used to interrogate the left main

The lesion was stented with a .3.5 X 12 mm Xience Drug eluting stent.

Ivus was repeaated and the stent was post dilated with a 4.0 and then a

4.5 mm Trek balloon.

Following the intervention, there was no residual stenosis and TIMI-3


Final angiography demonstrated no perforation, dissection or distal


Peripheral Vascular

Based on findings of diagnostic catheterization, intervention was

undertaken on the Proximal left subclavian and distal left

subclavian lesions. Additional access was obtained in the left common

femoral artery. From the left common femoral artery we

engaged the left subclavian Angiomax was used for anticoagulation.

Working from the left radial access, a Versicore wire was advanced into

the aorta.

The lesions were pre-treated with a 4.0 x 20 by scientific SDS balloon.

The lesion in the proximal subclavian artery was stented with an 6.0 X 27

Express stent.

The lesion in the distal subclavian was stented with a 6 by 40 at the

vascular self expanding stent.

We used a 5 x 20 mm SDS balloon to post dilate within both stents.

It was a nonflow limiting dissection of the subclavian artery.

There was no residual stenosis within the stents an excellent expansion

of both stents following the procedure.

peripheral vascular stent

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