If the surgeon perfoms Introduction of catheter 36200 for the right side and the radiologist performs this same procedure on the left do we bill:
Surgeon 36200-RT
Radiologist 36200-LT
or do they bill 36200-50-62?
Also how would we bill the limb extender 34825- the contralateral gait was accessed(radiologist). A contralateral limb was deployed(surgeon)the remainder of the main body was deployed. An ipsilateral limb extender was then placed to extend the ipsilateral limb of the fraft to obtain seal into the left common iliac artery(radiologist)
would the radiologist bill 34825
and nothing for the surgeon????
or do we bill 34825-62?
Is it true if the physician performs an extension of the limb we should not be billing 36200 in addition to 34825?
AAA Endovascular Repair CoSurgery
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