Reopen craniotomy incision
I was wondering if anybody can help me how to code the reopening craniotomy incision (RT FRONTOTEMPORAL) with wound debridement and removal of infected cranioplasty (mesh) and wound complex closure. So far I have 61320 but not sure because it is not stating reopen incision. What is the code for cranioplasty removal? I am not sure if it is right to report wound closure code like 13160 as well.
Reopen craniotomy incision
Look up Infection/Postoperative wound/surgical site/deep incisional for T81.4XXA. You must code also include the bacterial agent that caused the infection. Find the cause of the infection by looking up Staphylococcus/as cause of disease classified elsewhere for B95.8. The procedure was performed to remove the bone flap. See Removal/Plate/Skull for 62142 with -78 modifier because this was an unplanned return to the operating room. I hope this helps.