vendredi 22 mai 2015

I'm stuck on this

I'm new to this coding for Cardiology.

I'm needing to figure out about this procedure.

The doctor did
1. right femoral angiogram
2. Aortogram of the arch
3. Selective Innominate angiogram
4. 4-vessel carotid angiogram
5.infrarenal abdominal aortogram
6. selective angiogram of the LLE
7. Selective angiogram of the RLE

mild right innominate stenosis
severe right common carotid stenosis extending to the right internal carotid. it is a complex lesion
mild distal left common carotid stenosis
60% ostial stenosis of the left vertebel
bilateral antegrade vertebral flow
type 1 bovine aortic arch
infrarenal abdominal aortogram with common iliacs unremarkable
no significant femoral popliteal disease bilaterally in the lower extremities.

Please help me with this one.


I'm stuck on this

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