mercredi 30 septembre 2015

External Cause coding guideline

Per the the coding guideline (page 78/chap 20):

Regardless of the number of external cause codes assigned, there should be only one place of occurrence code, one activity code and one external cause status code assigned to an encounter.

Can someone clarify this?

If a patient comes into the ED for a injury due to a fall while cleaning in their house and falls again while trying to get out of bed in the ED and gets another injury-I can't code both of the falls/place of occurrences even if both injuries were treated??:confused:

External Cause coding guideline

Regarding aftercare Z codes ICD10

Can anyone tell me if the aftercare Z codes for ICD 10 are to be used while pt is in post op? Or do we use them after they are out of post op. This is for the diagnosis codes that do not have appropriate extenders to state the healing stage. Thank you

Regarding aftercare Z codes ICD10

Morbid Obesity Unspecified

If the Dr documents morbid obesity but does not specify due to excess calories can we code E66.01? I am telling him it actually has to be specified or I would have to use E66.9, but I want to verify.

Michelle Bess,CPC

Morbid Obesity Unspecified


One of the procedures our dr had while in surgery

1. Complications due to morbid obesity, the patients BMI greater than 60.

I have not coded this before. could someone please help me


Billing for two separate injuries to two insurances

I have a patient who was treating for a work comp injury to the neck. She had a car accident one day on the way to therapy. The chiropractor wants to see her for the MVA which was a lower back injury. Can he bill both insurances for the same day of service, one the cervical injury to work comp, the lumbar injury to the MVA? I am trying to find the exact guidelines for this so I can show him if he can or can't. Thanks!

Billing for two separate injuries to two insurances

Pubic symphysis separation icd-10 code

Can anyone tell me what code you would use for this. Sprain/strain or dysfunction code?

Pubic symphysis separation icd-10 code

Rebilling claims after 10/1/15

If a claim that was billed prior to 10/1/15 needs to be rebilled as a corrected claim after 10/1/15, would you rebill with the same ICD-9 codes or change them to ICD-10 codes? Does anyone know this answer.

Rebilling claims after 10/1/15

Global Day Period?

I have code 99233 with modifier 25, being denied as global day period of codes 31645, and 31624. Some insurances pay, some don't. My question is are they suppose to pay? or is it proper to deny the line based on global day period?

Global Day Period?

seeking an Internship or Entry level coding position in the New York city area

477 East 52nd Street Apt 3F, Brooklyn, NY 11203?347-623-0093?
Tishana K. King, B.S., CCA, CPC
To secure a position that will allow me to utilize my Health Care Administrative, Coding, Interpersonal, and Communication Skills with the opportunity for advancement.
04/01/2005-Present Kings County Hospital Brooklyn, NY
Associate Medical Records
 Supervisor for the Birth Certificate office.
 Birth certificate registrar/ Responsible for the certifying of all births for Kings County Hospital.
 Data Entry and Electronic certification processing of new born birth certificates, termination of pregnancy certificates & birth certificate correction issues.
 Supervise support staff, delegation of work assignments
 Responsible for departmental quality improvement compliance.
 Provide support to OB/GYN Attending physicians with technical EVERS login issues.
 Multiple daily office duties performed.

03/07/2005-04/12/2012 Kings County Hospital Brooklyn, NY
Medical Records Specialist
 Abstract medical records in response to patient, clinical, and legal request for records.
 Data entry of medical request correspondence.
 Review of medical records request for release of information.
 Secure completion or amendment request of medical records. Worked personally with physicians on amendment of record issues.
 Processed emergency physician calls for pertinent medical information of inpatients.
 Processed multiple telephone inquiries.
 Processed urgent transfer medical request to multiple health care facilities.

12/2000-03/01/2005 Source Corp New York, NY
Site Manger
 Manger for Xeroxing Company located within health care facility.
 Reviewed medical records and abstracted records for release of information for legal and insurance request.
 Managed billing and payment reconciliation for copying and release of records.
 Responsible for staff time keeping.
 Delegated work assignments to clerks and monitored performance and productivity.
 Analyzed and follow-up on management reports periodically.
 Ensured compliance of all hospital guidelines and patient confidentiality policies.


United States Postal Service

Brooklyn, NY
Distribution & Window Clerk
 Processed U.S. mail on various mail sorting and letter sorting distribution machines.
 Provided customer service as a window station clerk.
 Reconciled cash and credit transactions.
 Responsible for retail sales of postal merchandise and stamp stock.

09/2002-06/2004 St. Joseph?s College Brooklyn, NY
Bachelors in Science Degree: Health Administration
 Certificate in Counseling; Academic scholarship awarded.

04/1999-09/2000 Katharine Gibbs School New York, NY
Associate in Science Degree : Medical office Administration
 Medical Executive Assistant Certificate.
 Honors ( Dean?s List 5 Consecutive Semesters

 AHIMA CCA certification 06/12/2014; AAPC CPC certification 03/01/2015
 Proficient in Microsoft Office; Typing; Internet
References are available on request.

seeking an Internship or Entry level coding position in the New York city area

Foreign body removal-complicated

I have a doctor who removed 7 different sea urchins in the bottom of a pts foot with 7 different incisions. Can we bill 28193 removal of foreign body complicated with 7 units?

Foreign body removal-complicated

Z23 Vaccination Question

Regarding Z23 for vaccinations, the guidelines in the ICD-10 book say to code this secondary if inoculation was given as a routine part of preventive health care, such as a well baby visit

Under the Z23 code itself in the book, it states to code first any routine childhood examination

What if the inoculations are for adults?

Thank you for your help!

Z23 Vaccination Question

What code to use for Enlarged Calcified Hilar Lymph Nodes

Hi Everyone,

Any help would be great!

Results state: CHF, Cardiomegaly and enlarged calcified hilar lymph nodes. I am having trouble with find a code that suits the calcified lymph nodes.

Thank you in advance!

What code to use for Enlarged Calcified Hilar Lymph Nodes

Remote Coding Opportunity-Altegrahealth

Please see email below. Good luck.

Good Morning, I wanted to reach out to you in hopes that you could pass along the following information to your local chapter. We have an immediate need for the positions below. My client is looking for candidates that have at least 3 years of coding experience along with an AAPC credential. If you are interested, please send me your resume. Remote E/M Multi-specialty(High Priority) - I need to hire at least 20 people. Remote ENT Coder Thank you so much for your time! Dylan Meeks Altegra Health


Remote Coding Opportunity-Altegrahealth

New vs Established

I?m hoping to get some clarification in regards to a New vs Established patient visit. I work for an Occupational Health and Immediate Care Clinic.
We do physical exams for companies with new hires and bill the company directly for the physical exams. If a patient that was seen for a physical returns within three years for treatment of an injury or for an illness would the patient be considered a New or Established patient? My understanding is that if patient is seen by a provider within our organization for a physical exam then returns within three years it would be an established visit. One of my co-workers seems to think patient should be considered a New visit because we did not bill an insurance company for the physical exam. Am I right or wrong? Any input is much appreciated.


New vs Established

Help! ICD-10 Patella Fracture scenario

A patient fractured her patella 1 year ago, never sought treatment. Saw our physician 6 months later for 1 visit and never came back. Patient comes back now seeking treatment. She now has a closed fracture of patella nonunion.
Would this be initial encounter (A), subsequent for closed fracture nonunion (K) or Sequela (S)? We have three coders with 3 different opinions.

Help! ICD-10 Patella Fracture scenario

I&D, Aspiration & Evacuation of Intraabdominal Pelvic Hematom

I'm stuck on this one and any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm torn between either 10140 or 49010.

After the abdomen was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion, a right-sided suprapubic transverse incision was made for distance of approximately 3 cm off of midline, and the skin and subcutaneous tissue were sharpened down to the level of the fascia. Hemostasis was accomplished using electrocautery. The fascia was divided longitudinally and the underlying rectus muscle was distracted to the posterior sheath, which was then dissected out clearly and through and into the pelvic hematoma and seroma, which was opened widely to approximately 2 cm in diameter, and aspirated approximately 800 mL of fluid which was sent for culture sensitivity and also for cytology as the digital exploration of the
cavity ensued a larger chunk of semisolid tissue was identified and this was
sent off as a separate histologic specimen for evaluation. The pelvic cavity
was then irrigated and aspirated thoroughly using saline and sterile water
until the digital inspection demonstrated largely resolved cavity and
collection and debris in the pelvis. A Jackson-Pratt 10 mm drain was placed
in depth of the pelvis and sutured at the skin level with a 3-0 nylon. The
skin was loosely approximated using 3-0 nylon as well. Sterile dressing was
then placed and wound terminally anesthetized using 0.5% Marcaine with
epinephrine. A sterile dressing was placed.

Thank you

I&D, Aspiration & Evacuation of Intraabdominal Pelvic Hematom

96127 quantity

I understand with the new CPT 96127 we can bill quantity "per standardized instrument." What if we give the SAME questionaire to a teacher and a parent of a child patient to complete. Can we bill a quantity of 2?

96127 quantity

Partial ray resection

I am new to podiatry and am trying to figure out how to code this and where to do some additional reading on the procedure so I will recognize it when I see it. Any help is truly appreciated! Thanks!~

Partial ray resection

Need Help ASAP! Gentamicin w/Bladder Instillation

Our Urologist has initiated Gentamicin Injections with a Bladder Instillation. We bill this with 51700 and J1580 2 units. This is great when the Urologist does a face to face and documents the procedure.

Here's the rub...I have charges from the nurse using those same codes. No Urologist documentation. Patient only saw the nurse.

Am I correct that the nurse can only charge a 99211 for this encounter? I want to be sure I'm thinking correctly before I start WWIII.

Please help!

Susan Patch, CPC

Need Help ASAP! Gentamicin w/Bladder Instillation

V codes and S code in physical therapy

A patient present to Physical Therapy after having surgery for a fracture. Do I use the orthopedic aftercare V code as the primary followed by the S code as secondary? I was told that you do not use V codes if you are using S codes????
Thanks for the help!

V codes and S code in physical therapy

aborted procedure ?


i need the cpt code for this case please:

a patient with ovarian cancer is for Internal Debulking Surgery ,TAH+BSO,Omentectomy ........

then after exploratory laparotomy was done the procedure was aborted due to unrespectable tumor .......

should i assign code 49000?


thank you

aborted procedure ?

mardi 29 septembre 2015

L/D Triage coding question

I have a question about how a labor and delivery triage should be coded. The provider has coded it as a level 4 emergency department stay for false labor. Stay was under 8 hrs, was not seen by a doctor (but one was consulted over the phone), NST was performed and patient discharged. Dx code submitted was 661.93. Primary insurance carrier accepted claim and paid. Secondary insurance carrier denied and says Dx not appropriate for ER stay. Should the provider initially have billed it using 99212-15 instead of using ER coding?

L/D Triage coding question

sore throat-complication or not?

I am facing a dilemma here. I coded a 99211 nurse visit for a sore throat. The nurse did a rapid strep test and mentioned in her note that the patient was concerned about decreased fetal movements, so she did a US which showed normal gestation. I was called on an audit because I put a chapter 11 code in front of the pharyngitis code. The auditor's logic is that a nurse isn't qualified to say that the pregnancy is incidental to the sore throat, therefore a chapter 11 code shouldn't be used. I can't find anything that addresses this type of situation. Help!

sore throat-complication or not?

ICD 10 for Brow Ptosis


I am trying to pin down a diagnosis code for procedures done to repair age related drooping brows. These codes in ICD 9 have alternated between 374.30 and 701.8 depending on who you ask and what is in the case but either way a match for ICD10 is requiring some guesswork. Since the GEMs doesn't provide a 1 for 1 match to either ICD9 code set I am wondering what other Ophthalmology offices are planning to use for this type of procedure.


ICD 10 for Brow Ptosis

When to code hypertension

Patient comes in for an endoscopy because of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, which are the only listed diagnoses. Endoscopy is normal.

In the history of the report it states this patient has a history of hypertension and depression. Is the hypertension coded as an additional diagnosis and if so why?


When to code hypertension

Quadriceps rupture

I am very confused about quad tears

S76.111 states quad rupture - but it specifically says "hip and thigh region"

I used S83.211A - because the tear was at the knee, off the patella

anyone have any insight ? or am I correct in going to the knee code

thanks for any help.

Quadriceps rupture

Morbid Obesity BMI level

I am having a difficult time finding ICD-10 level for Morbid Obesity. ICD-9 has specific BMI levels and Morbid Obesity was 40 or greater. Please inform.

Thank you,


Morbid Obesity BMI level

Coding chronic conditions with preventive well-checks

What are the 'rules' on coding chronic conditions with preventive well-checks (99381-99395)?

For instance -

1) If an autistic patient presents for his annual well-check and the provider only references the autism in the neurological exam, would you or would you not code the autism with the V20.2/V70.0? As a side note, these conditions are always listed in the patient's "problem list" in our EHR.

2) If a patient presents for a well-check and has diabetes which is noted to be stable in the assessment, would you code it?

I would greatly appreciate any guidance on this topic and/or references!

Thank you :)

Coding chronic conditions with preventive well-checks

medicare payable codes

what codes are being paid by medicare for annual wellness and flu on same date of service

medicare payable codes

Favorite coding tools?

I very nearly subscribed to the AAPC coder just now thinking this will speed me up. But I never thought to ask, what are your favorite coding tools?

UB eBook?
aapc coder?
coding expert?

Favorite coding tools?

Drug use

If a pt tells the provider he or she has recently used illegal drugs, such as heroin, marijuana, cocaine, etc.. Are we allowed to use the appropriate code (305 series) on the patients visit even though it may not be the reason they are there or even related to the visit? There was some debate in my office. I firmly believe in putting those codes on the visit (as secondary of course) because 1) it was mentioned in the document 2)if there is a problem in the future with drug use, we have history of when the code was first used and when it was officially documented that the pt admitted to use.

I tried looking in the icd 10 guidelines to see if it gave me a specific answer, i did find in icd 9 it states "includes cases where a person, for whom no other dx is possible, has come under medical care because of the maladaptive effect of a drug on which he is no dependent and that he has taken on his own initiative to the detriment of his health or social functioning."

to me that sounds like if they are there for it i can code it. But does that mean if they come in for a headache or sore throat and mention it to their provider that they smoke marijuana i cant code it at all?

Also additional question, are the providers/clinics legally responsible for reporting any drug use? or is that against hippa?

Drug use

Looking for a medical coding and billing job

I am newly graduated CPC-A with ICD-10 proficiency with no previous experience, except 1 semester of medical coding and billing internship class. I am looking for a remote or an office coding and billing job. I have biology background and a strong knowledge of medical terminology. Contact email:

Looking for a medical coding and billing job

ICD-10 for Marginal cord insertion??

I cannot find a cord complication code for this, there is only a delivery code. Does anyone know what code we should use? Thank you!

ICD-10 for Marginal cord insertion??

Flu Vaccines

Hi! I am starting Family Practice billing. I am more accustomed to billing and coding for specialties so I am starting out slow here. I am a little stumped with flu vaccine billing. Medicare references show that Q codes (HCPCS) can be used. Can the CPT codes be billed to and reimbursed by Medicare (90653, 90658 in example), or does Medicare only accept the Q codes? Can anyone shed some light on this for me?


Flu Vaccines

Breast Cancer Code

A patient has breast cancer of the left WHOLE breast. Not of the upper or lower, inner or outer. What would you code ICD10?


Diane Wyrick

Breast Cancer Code

Caudal ESI Injection with Fluro

Our practice has recently had the addition of a pain management doc. He is performing a caudal ESI injection with fluro and coding it as an ESI - 62311.

The OP note states that "the needle was then redirected in a more cephalad fashion to allow entry into the caudal epidural space through the sacrococcygeal epidurogram s/o dural puncture was obtained using the Omnipaque contrast confirming epidural placement of the needle."

I've been in general ortho for 30 years - pain management is a whole new ballgame - ugh!!!

Would appreciate any help/advice as to if the correct code is 62311.

Wendy B. Holloway, CPC
Orthopaedic Associates
OrthoCare Surgery Center
Albany, Ga.

Caudal ESI Injection with Fluro

Laproscopic liver biopsy?

Is there a cpt code for a laproscopic liver biopsy? The doctor performed a laparoscopy with a tru cut liver biopsy... I am looking at cpt 49321... not sure if this is correct... Help!

Laproscopic liver biopsy?

Pre-op exam dx codes

Good morning,

I need a refesher, please...we have a NP who works in our pre-op testing clinic and she is asking if she should be reporting the diagnosis provided by the surgeon [indication for surgical procedure] or just the encounter for preprocedure codes [Z.... in ICD-10].

Guidance please...


Pre-op exam dx codes

90792 vs. 99201-99205

I work at a Behavioral Health office in North Carolina. We have all types of providers from a MD-to a LPC. I have a question and I am hoping someone can help me with this:

A new patient comes in and sees a LCSW for counseling. The LCSW refers the patient to see an MD to see if medications would be appropriate to treat this patient in addition to counseling. The LCSW charged a 90791 on the first visit. The MD sees the patient a few days later but can only charge a 99205. I know the MD could charge a 90792 but we are billing a MCO which dictates a higher level of documentation referred to as a CCA (The MCO essentially have a different set of rules for the 90792 then the AMA) and currently our EMR is not set up to do this so we have told our MD?s, PA?s and NP?s they cannot use 90792 and must use the 99201-99205 codes until we can get our system updated. I have told them because of the 3 year rule (requirements for a new patient 99201-99205 and we bill as a group they cannot. My understanding is because we bill as a group the patient would be considered established because they have been seen by a provider within the group regardless of the type of provider and if we billed as individuals they could do that but we don?t. What is your opinion on this?

My management is having a hard time getting the providers to understand this. They think because it is a different type of provider (therapist vs. prescriber) they should be able to get paid for a new pt.

90792 vs. 99201-99205

IUD failed insertion, successful 2nd attemt

I have a provider that did an IUD removal then a mirena insertion that failed, then tried to insert a skyla the same day that was successful. How do I bill for a failed attempt with a successful attempt on the same day?

58301 removal
j7302 mirena
j3490 skyla

Is this correct? Do I bill for 2 insertions?

Thank you!

IUD failed insertion, successful 2nd attemt

IUD failed insertion, successful 2nd attemt

I have a provider that did an IUD removal then a mirena insertion that failed, then tried to insert a skyla the same day that was successful. How do I bill for a failed attempt with a successful attempt on the same day?

58301 removal
j7302 mirena
j3490 skyla

Is this correct? Do I bill for 2 insertions?

Thank you!

IUD failed insertion, successful 2nd attemt

Resubmission or Appeals

I have heard/read conflicting reports regarding procedures after 10/1/16.

Some say any charges prior to 10/1 will be accepted w/ICD-9 while others say that any communication after 9/30 must be in ICD-10 format.

In a quandry

Resubmission or Appeals

Discharge Diagnosis

When using the discharge code 99238 for a self pay patient after a vaginal delivery what dx code would you use?

Discharge Diagnosis

09/19/2015 exam result when

I written exam 09/19/2015 coc when result will come.....

09/19/2015 exam result when

lundi 28 septembre 2015

How we Code Smoking in I-10

How will I code a scenario that " the patient is a smoker, since last 10 years". And there is no more details about smoking.. Did I stick with F17.210(Nicotine dependence, cigarettes, uncomplicated) or shall I go with Z72.0 (Tobacco use NOS). In I10 Which is correct and how I can differentiate both. I appreciate if anybody can help me..


How we Code Smoking in I-10

Cath Coding


Can someone assist me with CPT code for the following procedure note? I was going with 92928 and 93454 but feels like i'm missing something. Thank You in advance! :confused:

RFA and RFV access after modified Seldinger technique by Dr. The
RCA was selectively cannulated with a guide catheter and selective
coronary angiography was performed. A temporary pacer elecrode was
advanced under fluoroscopy in the RV apex. The lesiosn in the RCA were
crossed with a guidewire. Subsequently this was exchanged for a Rota
Floppy wire and rotablation to the ostial RCA was performed. Then the rota
floppy wire was exchanged for a regular PTCA wire. The lesions in the
ostial/ proximal RCA were predilated, stented and postdiltade. All
equipment was removed at the end of the case and the sheaths were sutured
to the skin.

Cath Coding

what exactly are old records?

I need help defining what "old records" are in Medical Decision Making to give credit for review. I have credited for old records only for new patients or consults when the information was clearly from an outside source, and rarely for established visits unless the provider specifically noted that they had requested the records.

The suggestion has arisen that a provider should get credit for review of old records when reviewing prior test results in comparison to a current test report. For example, CBC results from today (1 point) compared to the prior 4 results (1 point for old records), CT scan done today (1 point) compared to the last report (1 point for old records). In our specialty, we are constantly reviewing old tests and comparing them to new ones to assess the patient response to treatment or disease progression.

The actual definition of "old records" seems to be a very grey area. Are old records only ever those from an outside provider prior to the date you first saw the patient? Is it records in your own files that you have to review to accurately assess the patient?

Does anyone have any suggestions, opinions or resources to recommend that can help clear this up?

And on a slight side note: what category do pathology or operative reports fall under when counting data?

Thanks in advance!

what exactly are old records?

Vesicoureteral reflux follow up U/S

I'm new at radiology coding and second guessing myself.
Procedure: US Renal.
History: 22 month old female with a history of vesicoureteral reflux on rt, followup exam. History of previous surgical repair.
Technique: multiple transabdominal ultrasound images of bilateral kidneys and urinary bladder are submitted.
Impression: the bilateral kidney is within normal limits.
Right adnexal homogeneous echogenic mass

My question is should I code the primary diagnosis of V67.09 secondary as V13.09? Furthermore, should I add the incidental finding of the adnexal mass 625.8?

Also, do you feel it's warranted to code the complete ultrasound exam of 76770 or use the limited exam since it's stated as followup?
Thanks so much!!

Vesicoureteral reflux follow up U/S

Vesicoureteral reflux follow up U/S

I'm new at radiology coding and second guessing myself.
Procedure: US Renal.
History: 22 month old female with a history of vesicoureteral reflux on rt, followup exam. History of previous surgical repair.
Technique: multiple transabdominal ultrasound images of bilateral kidneys and urinary bladder are submitted.
Impression: the bilateral kidney is within normal limits.
Right adnexal homogeneous echogenic mass

My question is should I code the primary diagnosis of V67.09 secondary as V13.09? Furthermore, should I add the incidental finding of the adnexal mass 625.8?

Also, do you feel it's warranted to code the complete ultrasound exam of 76770 or use the limited exam since it's stated as followup?
Thanks so much!!

Vesicoureteral reflux follow up U/S

Please help

Can ayone help me with this ops report? I'm new to general surgery and I'm really stuggling with one.

Attached Files
File Type: pdf image0001.pdf (162.1 KB)

Please help

Nexplanon Insertion Diagnosis Code?


I am creating a "map" for the physicians in my office. We recently started inserting the Nexplanon Contraceptive device. In ICD 9, we have a code for insertion and removal. I am trying to add this to the map, but can only find Z45.89 - Encounter for adjustment and management of other implanted devices.

There has to be a better code right??? The only other code I am able to find is Z30.013, but the description states "initial prescription".

Any input is appreciated!!!

Thank you,
Brandi S.
Denver Family Medicine

Nexplanon Insertion Diagnosis Code?

E/M same day as MRI

Can I bill for both an E/M and an MRI if they are done on the same day?
My specific example is a BCBS patient who came in with a knee injury and was able to get MRI same day. Since the patient was new to our practice, full history was taken by the physician prior to the MRI being done.
The physician diagnosed an ACL and MCL tear, but ordered MRI to look for any additional structural damage. The results of the MRI showed an ACL and MCL tear.

Thanks for any input on this. If I could be pointed towards specific policies I would appreciate it.

E/M same day as MRI

Coding for CMS Claims

I have just been told by a billing company that I cannot code a provider's diagnosis according to the new CMS guidelines for ICD10, that the provider has to do it. Is this something new that I am not aware of since I have my CPC certification?

Coding for CMS Claims

Looking for a part time coder in the Atlanta area ASAP

Job tracking id# 513790-503575
Karna, contact information :
Darren Page, director of human resource

Need coders to start ASAP coding diagnosis and external cause codes. Need to be icd 10 certified or have some experience with icd 10. All credentials accepted. If apply please put in comments Tosha refer you.

Looking for a part time coder in the Atlanta area ASAP

E/M with lesion removal HELP!

A patient was seen by the doctor and told to come back for lesion removals. She made her next appt on the day she was first seen. She came back 10 days later for the removals. I don't think another office visit can be charged since this was just already noted and pt was told to come back. The doctor is now charging a 99215 along with the removals. Is this incorrect. I believe I have seen this written somewhere but not I can't find it. Thank you
ps. If this is so any idea where I can find it in print.

E/M with lesion removal HELP!

Can a physician's office bill for CPT 93571,26 alone?

Can a physician's office bill for CPT 93571,26 alone?

Scenario: One of our cardiologist assisted another cardiologist to perform a left heart cath.

The main cardiologist (physician A) performed CPT 93458,26 L HRT ARTERY/VENTRICLE ANGIO . While, the second cardiologist (physician B) only performed CPT 93571,26 INTRAVASCULAR DOPPLER VELOCITY AND/OR PRESSURE DERIVED CORON. CPT 93571 is an add code. How can the practice bill this service when physician B only performed the add on procedure.
CPT 93571 is not billable unless the primary code is billed in conjunction to the add on code.

How should this service be bill? :confused:

Can a physician's office bill for CPT 93571,26 alone?

Surgery codes

I received an OP note

Procedure performed

1. Left total knee arthoplasty
2. Open reduction internal fixation of left tibial plateau.

i coded them both separate and the only modifier i used was left.
what am i doing wrong?

thanks for your help

Surgery codes

Can a physician's office bill for CPT 93571,26 alone?

Can a physician's office bill for CPT 93571,26 alone?

Scenario: One of our cardiologist assisted another cardiologist to perform a left heart cath.

The main cardiologist (physician A) performed CPT 93458,26 L HRT ARTERY/VENTRICLE ANGIO . While, the second cardiologist (physician B) only performed CPT 93571,26 INTRAVASCULAR DOPPLER VELOCITY AND/OR PRESSURE DERIVED CORON. CPT 93571 is an add code. How can the practice bill this service when physician B only performed the add on procedure.
CPT 93571 is not billable unless the primary code is billed in conjunction to the add on code.

How should this service be bill?

Can a physician's office bill for CPT 93571,26 alone?

Neonatal Coding Resource

The American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine has developed a Quick Reference Guide to Neonatal Coding and Documentation which is now for sale. This is a good reference book for anyone who codes Neonatal care. The cost is $40. Contact to order.

Neonatal Coding Resource

Epidural Quick Question (really)

I have wondered this for a while: are the medicines included in the codes for neurolysis injections(62280-62282)? I know the fluoroscopic guidance is, but the provider here has been reporting the medicine codes separately from the procedure for those and I feel like they should be included in the cost of the whole thing, please advise if I'm off track :p
Thanks all,

Epidural Quick Question (really)

HCC experience needed for Healthplan

Bachelor?s degree in a health-related field required, Master?s preferred. Will accept five (5) years related work experience in lieu of education requirement. AHIMA or AAPC Certified Coder preferred. Possession of a valid California Drivers license and valid
auto insurance. Four (4) or more years experience in Medicare Managed Care Plan Reporting, Medicare (RAPS/HCC Informatics at a Health Plan. Strong data analysis experience, specifically in the areas of risk adjustment.
AHIMA or AAPC Certified Coder with experience in managed care, program/project management, data analysis and interpretation. Working knowledge of Medicare RAPS/HCC programs and CMS HCC coding requirements for Medicare Advantage and
Part D plans. Excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills, ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with others, strong critical thinking skills required, ability to demonstrate sound analytical reasoning.

AHIMA or AAPC Certified Coder (CPC license). RN or LVN issued by the State of California required. Two (2) years experience in HCC Coding in an HMO setting is preferred. Must have strong chart audit experience in HCC Coding.
Experience in managed care, program/project management, data analysis and interpretation. Working knowledge of Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) HCC coding requirements, ICD-9 and CPT guidelines are required. Knowledge in HCC-Risk Adjustment process and health insurance concepts as they relate to Medicare Advantage and Part D plans is required. ICD-10 coding certification preferred. Ability to take general direction and manage complex projects within deadlines. Excellent written, oral, and presentation skills. Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and other computer applications. Valid State of California license and insurance.

HCC experience needed for Healthplan

what level exam is this ?

I am new at this we have a pain managment doc and I am not sure how to code this exam?
General: Affect demonstrated is notable for mild to moderate discomfort.

Skin exam reveals no open lesion.

Brief vascular evaluation notes no swelling, redness or heat of the distal limbs.

Peripheral pulses are present and symmetric bilaterally.

Gait is antalgic. The patient does use a four wheeled walker to ambulate. Her gait is notable for poor dynamic balance.

In the appendicular skeleton, effusion, ligament laxity and synovitis are absent.

Spinal curvature evaluation notes no a reduced cervical lordosis. Neck range is decreased in flexion, extension, right rotation, right lateral bending. Spurling sign is negative. Lhermitte's sign is negative.

Muscle stretch reflexes are present and symmetric throughout. In muscle segments C5 through T1 and L2 through S1, she did have weakness with right dorsiflexion She does have a history of foot drop. Tandem gait was done with hand held assistance.

Focal sensory deficits are absent. Nerve root tension signs are absent.

Lumbar range of motion is adequate. Painful arc of motion is present to the neck.

Muscle exam notes no atrophy, fasciculation or dystonia. Deep palpation tenderness was present to the right cervical paraspinal musculature and right trapezius. Hoffman's sign is positive. Clonus is negative. Waddell's signs are 0/5.
I need all the help I can get!!!
Thank you!!!

what level exam is this ?

Icd 9- PCS

Do any of you use PCS codes on your ouptatient claims? If so, which payers do you use them for?

Thanks in advance.

Icd 9- PCS

New and consult visits

Hi all,

we have a situation with our ortho practice. We have locations which are walk-in 24 hour offices. Our doctors that pick up patients from there can they charge consult or new visits or do the need to be credentailed a certain way to be able to do that??



New and consult visits

26123, 26125, 26125 modifiers?

How do I know which digit is the primary procedure
when billing 26123, 26125, 26125?:confused::eek:


26123, 26125, 26125 modifiers?

Minimally Invasive Parathyroid Surgery with Gamma Proobe Localization

Hi all,

A physician within our group recently performed parathyroid exploration surgery. Normally, I would bill CPT 60500 {Parathyroidectomy or exploration of parathyroid(s)} and be done. However, she also used gamma probe localization during the surgery. Is there another CPT code to use other than 60500? To me, it would seem like more work is involved and thus a higher RVU when the physician is using a gamma probe during the procedure. I understand that there aren't many surgeons that perform minimally invasive radioguided parathyroid surgery so I've had a hard time trying to find an alternate code to use.

Note attached with blocked out patient identifiers.

Thank you!

Attached Files
File Type: pdf MIRP OP NOTE.pdf (207.7 KB)

Minimally Invasive Parathyroid Surgery with Gamma Proobe Localization

exc x 3 same area

I am so frustrated! Patient had 3 lipomas right buttocks. I coded 21931, 21930 - 59, 21930 - 59. Medicare is denying second 21930 as exact duplicate. Am I supposed to use units? or modifier 51? It seems I accidently coded units before on another patient and medicare didn't cover that. Welcome to Monday.

exc x 3 same area

op note dx vs path report dx

On EGD report the doc performs biopsies of stomach and he states patient has antral gastritis but path report states reactive gastropathy, do you only code from the path or code both?

op note dx vs path report dx

Physical Therapy Coding ICD-10

When coding in ICD-9 our organization used the V57.1 as primary dx then the reason for visit as secondary. Will this be necessary in ICD-10?

Thank you

Physical Therapy Coding ICD-10

dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Holter - multi-code/POS question

One of the Cardio offices I code for has a very complicated situation with their holters, and although I've been coding holters for years, we are having problems with the ones for this one location, because the charges they submit are - at different times - 1 or more of all 4 Holter codes: 93224/93225/93226/93227 (:confused:).

After much back and forth, we finally were able to clarify with Administration that the providers' office owns some holters, and the hospital has some holters of their own.

The cardiologist is an employed provider with an office on campus (for which he carries expense) at the hospital. So that is part of the confusion. Some of the units the office owns, some they don't (POS 11 vs POS 22).

On top of that:
1) some of the Holters they put on and take off in their office,
2) some are put on at/by the hospital outpatient area, but then taken off at the office

Then, because the office is the only place there is a computer that can communicate with the Monitor, all the patients go to the office to have the unit disconnected, and the scan downloaded/printed.
5) So for ALL of them (as far as we can confirm) they are downloaded, scanned & printed at the office.

And finally, for the review and interpretation (93227):
6) the Cardiologist I code for does SOME of the Reviews/interpretations - or -7) The printed scan results are sent back to the ordering doctor for them to review and interpret.

So here's my problem, we are getting denials on POS for some of our codes.

Here's what I believe is correct:

If the Office owns the unit, puts it on, takes it off, scans/download/prints it, and my Cardiologist generates a review and interpretation, then the code is 93224 (what I think of as a "global" code) with POS 11

If the unit belongs to the hospital, then the codes have to be broken out:

93226 POS 11 for the unit being downloaded/scanned/printed at the office (they can't get paid for actually disconnecting, because the hospital is billing that with 93225 on their end)

If the Cardiologist I code for does the review/interpretation report, he can bill the 93227 POS 22.

If the review/interpretation is done by another provider, there is no code to bill because we didn't do it.

We are getting paid for 93227/POS 22, and 93224/POS 11, but I'm getting denials on 93226 - whether POS 11 or POS 22. I've hunted, but cannot find anything in the Medicare guidelines that prevents us billing the 93226 in the office. Any ideas - other than a tall margarita????? :cool:

Thanks in advance

Holter - multi-code/POS question

Fracture Care Policy

I need help. I understand the need and point of fracture care billing. However, our facility does not have any guidelines/policies for our coders and they are told to bill all fractures as fracture care. I do not feel this is right and would really appreciate some guidance or thoughts on this matter. Thank you.

Fracture Care Policy

Auditing free text in an electronic medical record

When auditing free text in the electronic medical record, do you count the information in that text towards the level of service?

Thanks so much for your speedy response!

Auditing free text in an electronic medical record

Help please

6-French sheath was placed into the right femoral artery via the modified Seldinger technique. Once the sheath was in place, the patient was given an Angiomax bolus and started on an Angiomax drip. An XB 4.0 guiding catheter was then advanced over the long guidewire and used to selectively engage the left main coronary artery. We then attempted to pass An Asahi Prowater interventional guidewire into the distal circumflex. We started having issues passing the wire distally around the midcircumflex, however, due to heavy calcification and tortuosity in the proximal and mid vessel. With some difficulty, we were able to get the wire at least beyond the ostial, proximal, and mid circumflex lesions. We were unable to pass it into the very distal vasculature. We then attempted to take the Assist FFR catheter into the circumflex to document hemodynamic significance of the stenoses, as his nuclear stress test in February was unremarkable. The FFR catheter was able to be passed with significant difficulty into the mid circumflex. FFR at that point was 0.97 after 3 minutes of adenosine. At that point, we did not feel that the approachable lesions were of significant hemodynamic significance to proceed with any further interventional therapy, so the FFR catheter and the guidewire were removed. The guide was removed over a long guidewire. This was replaced with an XB RCA with side holes guide, which was then used to selectively engage the ostium of the right coronary artery. I was going to attempt to at least see how easily the wire passed into this heavily calcified and complicated right coronary artery. We advanced the aforementioned Asahi Prowater interventional guidewire beyond the proximal and mid right coronary stenoses, but again, when the tip got into the mid to distal vasculature, the more proximal portions of the wire started binding on the calcification and tortuosity in the proximal right coronary system. The wire was not able to be advanced into the distal RCA or RPDA due to the calcification. At this point, I wanted to see if the FFR catheter, which is a roughly the equivalent size of the balloon, would even pass beyond the proximal RCA. We were unable to advance the FFR catheter beyond the proximal RCA lesion due to the blockage and heavy calcification. At this point, I did not feel comfortable proceeding with any further interventional therapy on the right coronary artery without a more supportive guide and a larger guiding system. We removed the FFR catheter and guidewire, as well as the interventional guide, and the procedure was ultimately terminated. A nonselective right femoral arteriogram performed revealed arteriotomy placement of the proximal SFA. The patient was transferred back to the holding area and manual pressure hemostasis will be obtained.:):)

Help please

samedi 26 septembre 2015

Aapc icd-10

Hi all,

I tried my first attempt of i 10 exam in AAPC and got scores of 76%. Still iam confused with some of the correct and exact codes in injury section and pregnacy codes. Hi anyone please give me suggestions..,,,So that iwill score above 80% the next time.,,,


Aapc icd-10

Fracture care in office after ER visit

I'm not sure if this scenario is aftercare (V code) or active treatment (injury code). In the Ch. 17 guidelines, it states some examples of active treatment include "evaluation and treatment by a new physician." Does this pertain to PCP seeing patient after the ER doc saw and treated patient? PCP's note as follows:

CC: ER followup for wound evaluation of great toe nondisplaced tuft fracture with subungual hematoma which happened 3 days ago. Pt is taking Keflex and Norco. It was recommended the patient follow up with ortho in one week with daily dressing change and crutches for ambulation.

Exam of right great toe: Severe and diffuse bruising with crushing injury.

Dx: Injury of toe, 959.7.

Plan: Changed dressing. Referred to ortho. Continue Keflex.

This is the first time this doctor is seeing this injury, so do I use the injury code? (My other question is why this provider chose injury vs fracture...which do I use?) But this injury has already been evaluated and treated, and now a dressing change is done, so is this routine aftercare? And would I use V58.30 as an additional code or as a primary diagnosis?

Thanks so much for your help! I've been searching similar posts, reading guidelines, etc., but this is new to me and I want to make sure I'm getting it right.

Fracture care in office after ER visit

Fell, needs work excuse, no injuries

Provider gives "contusion" as final diagnosis, but nothing in the record supports this. Do I use it anyway? I guess he was as much at a loss what to choose as I am! Here's the note:

S: Pt fell getting out of bathtub, fell onto arms. Didn't hit or bang her head. No LOC, no headache, no nausea/vomiting, no pain anywhere. Needs a work excuse.
O: (Goes over main systems, all WNL.) Also states: "No abrasions, no bruises, no edema."
A/P: Contusion, 924.9. Note for work given. Recommend OTC Tylenol for pain.

I wondered if V65.2, person feigning illness, would be appropriate for me to code without the provider stating that himself? I have also considered V65.8, other reasons for seeking consultation. This is the entire note; I can't find even one symptom to pick up. Or do I just give the provider what he states, despite his documentation to the contrary?

Thanks so much for any input!

Fell, needs work excuse, no injuries

Hard Headed Provider, Messy Situation !!!!

Hello everyone,
I need your opinions please. So, I am billing for a family practice physician and I noticed some coding that I felt was inappropriate (from what I have experienced in my billing career thus far). I tried to explain to this provider that it is NOT appropriate to append modifier -25 to any level E/M being billed with a rapid strep (87880) if the only reason/condition for the encounter is for a sore throat/pharyngitis. Also, I proceeded to tell this provider they were billing wayyyy too many 36410, which I proceeded to tell them the code is only intended for difficult blood drawing where the veins are not easily accessible; I recommended they use 36415 for a routine blood draw if that is what is documented.
This provider bluntly told me I did not know what I was talking about and to continue using the same codes !!!!!
Needless to say I am furious and I told them I was not comfortable doing this. My intuition is telling me to notify this provider I will no longer be providing billing services for them.
What do you guys think about this sticky situation ? Am I wrong or right?

Hard Headed Provider, Messy Situation !!!!

Pap & IUD insertion under anesthesia

How do you code a pap and insertion of a Mirena IUD under anesthesia in the OR? Do you code it as a procedure only with Q0091 for the Pap, 58300 for IUD insertion and then the appropriate J code for the Mirena? What about a modifier to indicate procedure completed under anesthesia? Would your place of service be the hospital since that is where this all took place?

Thank you!

Pap & IUD insertion under anesthesia

Need to Re-Register to Retake CPC Exam

I was definitely told we get one FREE retake!

Unfortunately, I've looked and clicked all over for this "My Events" and "My Account" page/tab, but I can get to my Local Chapter events -- but no matter where I go it takes me back to the initial exam registration page and shows that I owe $325. PLEASE HELP ASAP! I need to register for the 12/12 exam in Savannah, there are only 11 seats left last I checked!


Need to Re-Register to Retake CPC Exam

CPB versus CPC-P

Trying to decide which certification to obtain, passing ratio? Which one has the higher passing rate?

CPB versus CPC-P

H&P done by the PA on the day of surgery done at an ASC

Can anyone tell me what code is used when an H&P is done by the PA on the day of the surgery? The surgery is performed at an ASC. I am having problems in finding info on this. I want to make sure its coded right. Do we use a 9921x with the 57 modifier??? Please help. Thanks

H&P done by the PA on the day of surgery done at an ASC

Medicare Audit Results - How To Locate?

Does anyone know where/how to locate the results of Medicare audits and reviews? I'm looking for the 99350 global prepayment review that was done by NGS a couple years ago for NY, and I'm looking to see if there was something similar done in other parts of the country.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or links.

Medicare Audit Results - How To Locate?

Radiology/73701 & 72193???


Is it appropriate to bill both 73701 & 72193 together? They are both comprehensive codes. There was a CT scan of the pelvis and CT scan of lower extremity from femoral head to just below the knee? Both with contrast. Any help would be appreciated.

Radiology/73701 & 72193???

Intrathecal Pain Pumps

When coding pain catheters, are you coding the insertion L4-L5 (62319) or the tip which is at T11-T12 (62318).

Some confusion :confused: in the office as to which code to use. All dz are in the lower back region.

Please help clarify!

Thank you,
Denise Jones, CPC
VCU Health

Intrathecal Pain Pumps

vendredi 25 septembre 2015

Icd-10 2015 vs 2016

What is the difference? How many codes for 2016 are different from 2015? It seems they are the same.

Icd-10 2015 vs 2016

CPC Entry Level

I am a determined, hard working individual. I have been in the medical field for about three years, two being in the Coding and Compliance department at Atlantic Medical Group. This has had a tremendous impact on my studying and receiving my CPC certification. I strongly believe I have the experience and knowledge to preform this job.I have attached a copy of my resume to explain more of my experience. I can be reached at I look forward to hearing from you and meeting in the future.

CPC Entry Level

CPT for replacement of gastrostomy button

Hello. I am stuck on a CPT code.
My general surgeon states that he took a patient to the OR and removed and replaced gastrostomy button.
Any thoughts as to what code(s) I should be using. I really do not like using unlisted codes, if at all possible.

CPT for replacement of gastrostomy button

CPT for replacement of gastrostomy button

Hello. I am stuck on a CPT code.
My general surgeon states that he took a patient to the OR and removed and replaced gastrostomy button.
Any thoughts as to what code(s) I should be using. I really do not like using unlisted codes, if at all possible.

CPT for replacement of gastrostomy button

Seeking auditor

Seeking recommendations for an independent auditor to audit front office procedures including cash management and controls. I would specifically want someone with medical office background and accounting. If you are that person or know someone that meets these qualifications please respond. Thank you!

Seeking auditor

Postoperative Hemorrhage Tonsils

Have you found the best ICD-10 CM code to reflect Postoperative Hemorrhage of the Tonsils to be J95.831?


Postoperative Hemorrhage Tonsils

Am I missing anything?


I provide audits for multispecialty practice. The Oncology providers think their RVU's are not up to standard.

The providers are constantly wanting to bill for their time away from the patient making calls to other providers, other centers, referrals, taking calls, reviewing records and charts. There is a lot of time involved in caring for the Oncology patient that falls outside of the E&M visit.

I am looking into chronic care management but feel I may be missing something.
Any suggestions?

Thank you,

Am I missing anything?

Injection coding

I'm beginning to see cross eyed. I have a provider that is now doing his injections in office and no longer in the ASC. I'm trying to figure out the correct way to bill the injection (medications).

Here is an example....(this is only show the medications he used during the injection)

ANESTHESIA: Midazolam 2 mg and fentanyl 100 mcg IV

NEEDLE: Spinal 22 gauge, 5 inch at L5, bent tips

IV FLUIDS: Lactated Ringer's 300 ml.

CONTRAST DYE: Isovue 300, total of 3.5 ml.

INJECTED SOLUTION: Dexamethasone 10 mg and 0.25% bupivacaine MPF, 0.25 ml.

*I found the HCPCS codes but I am having trouble calculating the units.

Would it be billed like this?
J2250 x2 units
J3010 (I can't figure this one out)
J7120 x1
Q9967 x3.5
J1100 x10

I'm SO CONFUSED and would love to hear some insight!

Thanks for your time!

Injection coding

Paravertebral facet injection -- Medicare

Unable to receive payment for Medicare when Paravertebral facet injection done with Ultrasound billing 0216T and 0213T. any suggestion what other CPT's option can be use.

Paravertebral facet injection: The surgeon performs a lumbar paravertebral facet injection at L4-5 using Ultrasound imaging for Medicare.. 0216T

Paravertebral facet injection: The surgeon performs a cervical paravertebral facet injection at C6 level using Ultrasound imaging for Medicare... 0213T

Thanks for your assistance.

Paravertebral facet injection -- Medicare

99213 for a wound infection - need modifier?

Have a patient aquire a complication of a wound infection from C/S. Trying to bill 99213 with wound infection (674.34). Getting denials stating it's part of global. Should I be using a modifier on 99213 to show not part of global?

99213 for a wound infection - need modifier?

Hospital Consult Coding

What is the amount of time allowed between billing 99221-3 for the same doc before MCR will pay for both? I have heard 7 days, 10 days and 2 weeks, but can't find the answer anywhere.

Hospital Consult Coding

Not a Pre-op Visit


A patient is admitted for abdominal pain and the surgeon send the pt for additional study on the initial visit. Day 2 they made the decision to performed surgery on Day 2. We billed an initial visit on day 1 and a subsequent visit on day 2 with modifier 57 and the procedure. But the initial visit is editing stating it's included in the global period. Can we bill this out? Am I over thinking this?

Thank You

Not a Pre-op Visit

paramedian forehead flap and takedown insertion of paramedian forehead flap

I am new to coding, been at it only a couple of months now. Theses procedures are confusing me to say the least. The Dr. did the first surgery removing lesion(s) from the nose and then doing the paramedian forehead flap; approximately 3 wks later he did a takedown insertion of paramedian forehead flap and coded it as 11466 x2. So we get a denial as it says it is global to the first procedure. On the first procedure he used 15731-which I'm thinking he should have coded the lesion removal first, then the forehead flap. I just need some help please!!!!:eek:

paramedian forehead flap and takedown insertion of paramedian forehead flap

Can it be coded?

An annual wellness visit ...

I understand the ROS cannot be coded as it is the patient's impressions and needs to be verified by the provider in order to code it ...

my question ...

in the physical exam the provider states:

"patient states left side weakness"

My opinion is that this is not enough to code ... because there isn't a 'plan' as to what will be done or what the patient should do or am I looking for too much here?

This doesn't sound like is a verification rather a repeat of what the patient said during the ROS check ...

Can the left side weakness be coded?

thank you ...

Can it be coded?

Urine Drug Screen- clia waived?

We are having our state insurance retracting all payments from 2014-current for UDS. We billed 80104 in 2014 and 80300 in 2015 as well as G0434 for Medicare in both years. G0434 has not been an issue with Medicare just the 80104 and 80300 with Medicaid. They are stating it's not a clia waived test. I have pulled from CMS the CLIA waived list and those codes are not on there but G0434 is. G0434 is not a covered benefit on the Medicaid system unless they are Medicare/Medicaid. I'm wondering if anyone is having this same issue? I have called our manufacturer to see if they could provide any assistance and they were not helpful at all. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.

Urine Drug Screen- clia waived?

Career Advice

I'm not sure where to start, but I'm looking for some career guidance.
Currently, I am a receptionist at a veterinary hospital and I don't have any experience coding (nor the opportunity to since they don't have medical coding for veterinary services). After I get my certification, I understand that I will be designated as CPC-Apprentice. I purchased the modules and assessments that count as 1 year experience toward removal of the apprentice label. I plan to take the ICD-10 course once I've taken/passed my ICD-9 certifcation exam (I take it this Saturday).
Should I look for internships to get more experience? Is it possible to keep my full time job and do medical coding part time in order to get experience, and then eventually be a coder full time? Or is there a better way to go about this?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!



Career Advice

Help!! Fracture Care


In our orthopedic office, we are wondering if there is any circumstance that a fracture care should be charged out that there is NOT a dislocation or fracture. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

A Sainsbury.

Help!! Fracture Care

What is the determination for high-risk?

A common disagreement between the coders in our facility is when to use to the high-risk codes for prenatal care. For example, a patient who is 40 years old and has delivered 7 children, prior to this pregnancy, comes in for an OB visit. The doctor does not specifically state that it is a high-risk pregnancy, but it is obvious that she "elderly" and has "grand multiparity". Would you use the V22.1 or V23.82 & V23.3?

What is the determination for high-risk?

Trigger Point Injection

Does 20552 and 20553 include injection code and medication code?

Trigger Point Injection

Peritoneal infusions vs prolonged chemotherapy

I have a patient that is receiving Peritoneal Infusions (96446) in our office. She recently received a peritoneal infusion with a pump and sent home for 24 hours

Prolonged chemo is coded as 96416 - but how is it coded when it is a peritoneal infusion? would it be 96446 or 96416. thanks for any insights.

Peritoneal infusions vs prolonged chemotherapy

hardware infection post removal diagnosis code

Would you continue to use the "infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal fixation device" diagnosis T84.620X_ to treat infection due to the hardware after the hardware has been removed? ICD-10CM doesn't include "presence of" in the description.

hardware infection post removal diagnosis code

EGD Peg-J tube placement under fluoroscopic

Looking for help for this case. I'm thinking 43246 and 49441.

The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion in supine
position. A gastroscope was inserted through the upper esophageal
sphincter, with direct digital manipulation advanced down to the level of
the GE junction. The esophagus was free of masses, ulcers, varices or
strictures. Stomach was entered and was easily distensible. The pylorus
was widely patent and the duodenum was visualized. The duodenum was
edematous from the pancreatitis, it would appear. There was no sign of
hemorrhage or erosion. The ampulla was not visualized. The scope was
withdrawn in the stomach. The stomach was free of masses, ulcers, varices
or any other abnormalities. The duodenum, of note, was free of masses,
ulcers or varices as well. Transilluminated to the anterior abdominal
wall. There was good 1:1 indentation. There was low suspicion of
underlying visceral structure. A transverse incision was made in the skin.
A large bore Angiocath was advanced into the gastric lumen. A wire was
advanced down the sheath. Snare with a scope pulled out through the
oropharynx. A 24 French pull peg was hooked to the wire and pulled out
through the anterior abdominal wall in the traditional pull peg technique.
The bolster was placed at the skin. I readvanced the scope down and the
peg bolster on the inside, it appeared to be submucosal. Therefore, the
tube was removed. We readvanced the sheath back into the stomach in the
same position. A wire was advanced once more and hooked to the PEG after
it was brought out through the oropharynx and pulled out from the anterior
abdominal wall. This time, the scope was brought down. The bolster
appeared to be in good position. A snare was advanced down the PEG, opened
and closed around the scope. The scope was taken down to proximal jejunum.
A stiff shaft 0.035 HydroGlide wire was advanced to the proximal jejunum.
I then withdrew the scope. The snare was opened and closed around the wire
which pulled out through the PEG tube. A 12 French PEG J-tube was advanced
over the wire into the proximal jejunum with no kink. Contrast study
showed it to be in good position. It was locked with saline. The patient
was then awakened and transferred to Recovery in satisfactory condition
tolerating the procedure well.

EGD Peg-J tube placement under fluoroscopic

jeudi 24 septembre 2015

Lumbar Myofascial injury and Shoulder soft tissue injury

Patient in a MVA and final diagnosis is Lumbar Myofascial injury and Shoulder soft tissue, would these be considered as sprains or strains??


Lumbar Myofascial injury and Shoulder soft tissue injury

ICD10 smoking codes

Are smoking codes to be used on every record where the status is documented?

ICD10 smoking codes

Gestational Diabetes Oral Control

ICD-10 gestational diabetes is classified as diet controlled or insulin controlled or unspecified control. It states that Z79.4 Long term current use of insulin should not be coded with codes from subcategory 024.4 Gestational Diabetes.

So what is the correct way to code a gestational diabetic woman who is on oral medications to control her diabetes. It is not insulin controlled and it is not diet controlled and it isn't unspecified. Would you code the diet control 024.41- and Z79.899 Other long term drug therapy?

Gestational Diabetes Oral Control

CPC (AAPC) and CCS (AHIMA) Course Preparation


I wanted to see if anyone in the Cleveland area would be interested in joining our CPC (AAPC) and CCS (AHIMA) Course Preparation? There's 4 ladies already signed up.

We have the course preparation, so you would have to bring CPT and ICD-10 books.

Please email me


CPC (AAPC) and CCS (AHIMA) Course Preparation

Diagnosis Codes

If the electronic billing system we use only allows 4 diagnosis codes how do you know which dx codes to pick when some of them require additional codes to code with it? This totally confuses me, so any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Diagnosis Codes

Billing for marital counseling


Is there a CPT code for marital counseling 90 minutes, and can we bill for it?

I am reading that marital counseling is not covered by insurances as it's not medically necessary. If so, can we bill the couple and do we have to have them sign something?


Billing for marital counseling

97762 orthotics

Medicare requires a re-eval and new script every 30 days for a physical therapy patient. I do not have a pt with a plan of care any more they are discharged, but were needing a simply ortho's check out for adjustment.. nothing more. Do I have to re-eval an obtain a script or can I just bill the 97762?

97762 orthotics

Medication follow up with Well Child

I understand the icd 10 codes with abnormal findings and without, however, if a patient comes in for a well visit and the child is due for an ADHD medication follow up appointment can we bill the well visit code with 25 modifer and an additional E&M service if the documentation supports it.

Medication follow up with Well Child

Smoking codes

Are smoking codes to be reported on every record?

Smoking codes

Coding Transgastric ERCP

I am looking for any information on coding laparoscopic transgastric ERCP done as a co surgery with a general surgeon and a gastroenterologist on a pt with roux en-y anatomy. The general surgeon provides access to the stomach remnant, the gastro does the ERCP, and then the general surgeon closes the gastrostomy. I have several cases done this way and want to know how others are reporting them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Coding Transgastric ERCP


My provider normally bills for NH visits but today she sent me a CPO. She has never billed for this so I am unsure of how to bill it correctly? What date do I used for the CPO? What POS?


HELP retrocalcaneal exostectomy with detachment, debridement and reattachment ?



Preoperative Diagnosis:
1. Retrocalcaneal exostosis, left foot
2. Achilles tendinosis, left foot

Post-operative Diagnosis:

1. Retrocalcaneal exostectomy with detachment, debridement, and reattachment of the Achilles tendon using Arthrex Achilles Speedbridge, Left foot


General Anesthesia
Pre-op: Popliteal block


Pneumatic Thigh Touniquet at 300 mmHg for 64 minutes


1000 cc Lactated Ringers

Estimated Blood Loss:


2-0 Vicryl, 3-0 Vicryl and 3-0 Nylon
Arthrex Achilles Speedbridge

Complications: None apparent.

Procedure in Detail:

Patient was visited in the pre-operative holding unit and correct site, correct patient identified. Interval H&P was performed. Discussed plan with patient and reiterated risk versus benefits. All questions answered.

Patient taken to the operating room via cart and transferred to the operating table in a prone position. A safety strap was placed across the patient's waist for protection. All bony prominences were padded and an electrocautery ground pad was placed on the thigh. Anesthesia applied the appropriate monitors to the patient. A time out was performed, consent was read, allergies, correct site and correct procedure, and sterility/presence of necessary equipment/implants confirmed. General Anesthesia was induced.

A well padded tourniquet was applied along with protective steri drape. The operative foot was prepped and draped in the usual aseptic fashion. The foot was exsanguinated with an esmarch bandage and the pneumatic tourniquet was elevated to the pressure listed above.. The foot was lowered into the operative field and the sterile stockinet was reflected

Attention was directed to the posterior aspect of the heel, where an approx. 7 cm linear incision was placed over the central portion of the achilles tendon to calcaneus below the insertion. Incision was deepened through subcutaneous tissues, retracting all neurovascular structure and ligating all bleeders. Taking care to maintain full thickness of the flap, the skin and underlying subcutaneous tissues and fat padding were reflected from the paratenon layer encasing the tendon. The paratenon was incised. An inverted T incision was made in the Achilles tendon and the tendon was reflected and completely detached from it's insertion to the posterior calcaneus. At the insertion site, the tendon was notably thickened with fibrinous chronic tendinosis changes, and a large posterior calcaneal exostosis (consistent with preoperative radiographs) as well as enlarged bursal projection were present. The undersurface of the tendon was de-bulked of the chronic fibrinous tissue. Attention was then directed to the prominent posterior calcaneal exostosis and bursal projection which was consistent with preoperative radiographs. Using a power saw, the exostosis, as well as a small portion of the posterior-superior calcaneus was resected and passed from the field. After the calcaneal exostectomy procedure was preformed, the tendon was primarily repaired and reattached using the above mentioned anchoring system according to the manufacturer's instructions. The achilles tendon incision was then reapproximated with 2-0 Vicryl using continous running horizontal mattress technique. The skin was reapproximated with horizontal mattress using 3-0 Nylon.

The pneumatic tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemia was noted to the digits. The anesthesia was reversed and the patient was transported in stable condition to the PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the foot. Patient was given explicit written instructions, emergency contact numbers, post-operative analgesics, anti-emetics, and explicit offloading instructions. CAM walker and crutches were dispensed by the PACU nurses and appropriate education regarding used of these devices were provided. Patient has scheduled follow-op appointment.

HELP retrocalcaneal exostectomy with detachment, debridement and reattachment ?

MWV G0438 with 11200 skin tag removal

Medicare does not allow modifier 25 on the G0438 Medicare wellness visit.
How would I submit a claim for the wellness visit and a skin tag removal the same day? thanks

MWV G0438 with 11200 skin tag removal

Provider based billing - G0463 usage

I understand using G0463 for the facility portion of E/M 992** for hospital outpatient services. Does anyone know how you would bill counseling codes i.e. 90834 for the facility charge. Would you recommend using G0463 or using 90834 on both the clinic & facility claim?

Thank you for your thoughts in advance.

Provider based billing - G0463 usage

ICD10 for HPV Gardasil Vaccine

HELP! I was wondering if anyone has identified the ICD10 code to bill "with" the Z23 when giving Gardasil. The Z23 states that you have to identify the type of immunization given...? The only code I have found would be Z11.51, screening for HPV.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!!!1

Cmed, Solutions, LLC
OB/GYN Specialty Coding

ICD10 for HPV Gardasil Vaccine


anyone know what the charge would be for this? I am trying to find a price for this and I'm not having any luck.



Legal\Ethical Question re: Urine Toxicology Testing

I may get myself into trouble for asking, but I need some assistance with a practice that I have been questioning for over two years. I'm hoping that someone can help me out and put this to bed once and for all.

I work for a clinical toxicology lab that does urine drug screening.They offer this service called a "Second Look", which means that if they (the counselor) don't find what they were looking for in the first drug screen panel that was run, they can order a "Second Look" and order another screen that does not include the drugs screened for in the first look. Let me mention that these are both SCREENS (G0431 or 80301), not definitive tests. At some of our clients this is a routine practice, which tells me that they are not ordering the correct tests initially....

Let me add that they only allow them to screen for 6 drugs at a time "because of reimbursement".

THIS ALL HAPPENED PRIOR TO ME and I have been trying to correct things at this place for over a year. I'm making progress, but this one still nags...

Let's add to that the fact that this particular lab was using processing date rather than collection date as the service date, so these "Second Looks" looked like two different claims.

After a very heated debate they finally listened to me and used the collection date as the service date for the drug screens, but that had a negative impact on the Second Looks because they had the same date of service, so they are denied. (duh, of course). In a desperate attempt to hang on to that revenue stream, modifier -91 was used on the G0431 for the 2nd Look. Of course it is denying as well.

Someone then read the Medicaid Regulations related to Collection Date :

24. The Medicaid definition for "date of service" for laboratory providers is the date of specimen collection. For laboratory tests that use a specimen taken from storage, the date of service is the date the specimen was removed from storage.

And is interpreting this to mean that on stored samples it is ok to use the Service date for stored specimens.

I've looked at that entire section related to Collection Dates and it refers to hospital services and specimens stored more than 14 days. So I am interpreting it to NOT pertain to us,

Sorry for this very long post, but this is a matter that I am VERY concerned about in terms of ethicality (is that a word?) and legality. It is causing much debate in the office because I am "bucking the system", and jeopardizing a revenue stream One that I must mention "went away" when we started using the CORRECT date for billing.

Someone please help me. I am seriously considering running out the door. I don't care about being right, I want to be compliant and legal....

Legal\Ethical Question re: Urine Toxicology Testing

Encounter for aftercare following bone marrow transplant

how long ?Encounter for aftercare following bone marrow transplant? should be used? The code is Z48.290.

Appreciate any input or advise.

Thank you

Encounter for aftercare following bone marrow transplant

Tendon Transfer procedure

Good Morning!
I have an question in regards to a procedure that I think my surgeons are billing wrong.

In a nut shell the operative note states "I identified the long head of the biceps tendon and tagged it for later muscle tendon transfer" and then at the end of the end of the operative report "I then went ahead and placed in the final components" or "I then transferred the stump of the biceps to the anterior aspect of the pectoralis" or "I then went ahead and transferred the long head of the biceps tendon to the front of the humerus."

They are billing this as a 23395...I'm not thinking this is correct and I'm not sure what code should be used.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Tendon Transfer procedure

billing OB Global HELP

I am not a biller and have no clue how this works.
I am trying to figure out if a copay can be charged for 59425 and 59426

I don't understand the global billing? antepartum is included in the global charge so why are there codes for antepartum office visits?

Thank you,

billing OB Global HELP

ct and contrast

If you bill a ct w/ contrast 70498- is it correct that you cannot bill for the contrast itself?

ct and contrast

Alzheimer's ICD-10 Help!

MD states Alzheimer's in his H&P.

When coding ICD-10 it states use additional code to Identify: Dementia with or W/O disturbance or delirium. MD does not indicate any of these things. Do you code Alzheimer's unspecified G30.9 only? or do you assume W/O disturbance F02.80?

My issue is that I have always been told not to assume and I have not been able to find something stating the default would be w/o disturbance. Help!

Alzheimer's ICD-10 Help!

Any HCC coders out there?

I am trying to find an HCC/Risk Adjustment coder to bounce a question off of:

I am starting HCC code training and am wondering when you are coding for the submission to CMS and you have an inpatient record do you seperate the record into each provider and code each seperately, or do you submit one 'claim' for the entire inpatient record?

Any information will be much appreciated!

Thank you!

Any HCC coders out there?

Diagnosis for skin picking

We have a patient that was diagnsoed with skin picking disorder-L98.1 but most of our insurances are not covering this. Would you bill F63.89 or F63.9 for impulse disorders?

Diagnosis for skin picking

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

what is the ICD 10 code for diabetes with manifestation,uncontrolled

Hello everyone,
i HAVE THIS MAJOR DOUBT REGARDING THE DIABETES CODE with manifestation and uncontrolled. I find that 2 codes are required to fully describe the condition , one with the type with manifestation and the second code for hyperglycemia.
would like to know if this is correct
thanku sithara

what is the ICD 10 code for diabetes with manifestation,uncontrolled

Charges during postoperative period

One of the physicians at the Orthopedic office I work at is taking over the post-operative care for a patient who had an ORIF of a bimalleolar fracture done by an outside physician. My physician is questioning how the visits will be billed since the patient is in the post-operative period for this surgery.
Would we bill regular E/M services supported by the notes since we are in a different practice than the physician who performed the surgery?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Charges during postoperative period

V49.89 Cross over

Good Afternoon,
I have many insurance companies that require I use V49.89 to show a pt. did have symptoms. Do we know if there is a new symptoms code in I-10. I have been trying to find something. Will an insurance require an extra code when billing for a cyst removal with I-10.
Any help would be appreciated.

V49.89 Cross over

Labial cyst removal

When looking up a code for a labial cyst I was taken to 624.8, cyst of vulva. Is it appropriate to code the incision and drainage of this cyst 56501?

Labial cyst removal

Picc line

What is the CPT for a left internal tunnled Juglar code PICC line?Using it for inadequate intravenous access for long term antiobiotics , thans

Picc line


For a Medicaid patient that has a preventative (99385) on 1 date of service then comes back 6 days later for the pap and blood work how would you bill the pap & blood work?


Ob/gyn mcd pt

MCD patient 21 weeks goes to hospital having contractions. Baby comes out and lived for about two minutes. Being 21 weeks isn't considered a viable pregnancy, what do we bill? It's not a fetal demise since the baby was born alive.



Ob/gyn mcd pt


For the purpose of billing, if I have encounters with dates of service say August and of Sept. 30, 2015 would I be using ICD10 based on date of service or when the encounter was billed out? I listened in on a class for ICD-10 and they said we would have to bill as ICD10 if we billed out after Oct. 1,2015 even if encounter was prior to OCT.
Could you please clarify.
Thank you,


83036 and 82962

Does anyone know if it ok to bill 83036 and 82962 on the same encounter (with an office visit)? If so, where does it state that?

Thank you Julie

83036 and 82962

ICD-10 - Healed Fracture


Can anyone tell me if there is an ICD-10 code for Healing Fracture?

I know that for healing fracture you code the actual fracture code and add a letter D on the end of it for routine healing. However, there is no letter for healed fracture.

I can find a Z code for Personal History of Healed or Old Fracture but that does not seem correct. (we are doing some testing in our office with ICD-10)

Any help is appreciated!

Thank you,

ICD-10 - Healed Fracture

Billing H&P if doctor didn't deliver baby?

Hello -

I have a physician who often admits her patients to the hospital with the intent of delivering their baby, but then the patient ends up having a C-section. This physician does not do C-sections. She is insistent that I bill for the admission H&P, but it is my understanding that the delivery code will include the admit and H&P.

Can she bill this, or does the admit H&P go to the doctor that does the delivery?


Billing H&P if doctor didn't deliver baby?

Is this OK for ROS??

We have a provider who puts this as their review of systems

ROS: I have reviewed the patient's medical history in detail; there are no changes to the history as noted in EpicCare.

Is this OK to count as a full review of systems?? Doesn't he have to at least list the date of the form he's referring to??

Is this OK for ROS??

ICD 10 and Pain Procedure Questions


I just need some clarification on selecting ICD 10 codes when it comes to spine procedures.

For example, my docs do an RF of L3-S1 - should I select the appropriate diagnosis codes for the lumbar level and the lumbosacral level, or just use the lumbar.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Melissa Harris, CPC
The Albany and Saratoga Centers for Pain Management

ICD 10 and Pain Procedure Questions


Patient comes in to the ED with bilateral leg pain. Dr charts "pt states she is 22 weeks pregnant." That is literally the only time he mentions the pregnancy. Discharge diagnosis is Muscle spasm (again, no mention of the pregnancy) How would I code this? I know I cant use the V22.2 code because he doesn't state that the pregnancy is incidental.


Wellness Labs Ordered Prior to Visit


The new wellness codes clearly state "exam" and whether with or without abnormal findings. When a patient comes in several days before their wellness exam to have their labs drawn, what code should we use, since we don't know at this point if there are abnormal findings or not.

Thank you!

Wellness Labs Ordered Prior to Visit

Anemia coding

I am new to coding, currently in school, planning to take exam next year. However, I have a question regarding Epstein-Barr virus infection causing hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. I have found D76.1, B27.09 but also found D76.1, D82.3 (recommended by instructor). What are your opinions? Thank you so much in advance.

Anemia coding

Corrected claims

How long after a claim has been paid can you submit a corrected claim?

Corrected claims

CCI CPT code lookup with description

Hi, all. A coworker told me that there is a website where you can look up the CPT code and it will give you the full description with what is included (versus the shortened descriptor in CPT books. She could not find the link. If anyone has that, can you please pass along.

Ty, ty, ty

CCI CPT code lookup with description

PA Reimbursement for Assistant to Surgeon

Hello! I need help. I have a PA who assists my plastic surgeon in surgery however I am having a hard time getting her billing paid. I am using modifier 80 and AS for her services but the only codes that are getting paid are for breast reductions. Is there something that I'm doing wrong? I need help in figuring out how to get her services paid for in surgery. Although she helps facilitate the process in surgery and speeds up the surgeon, I need to figure out how to get some reimbursement for her services. Please help! Thank you!! :)

PA Reimbursement for Assistant to Surgeon

X (EPSU) Modifiers

I was told recently that the X modifiers were no longer required by Medicare, and that we should be using 59 modifiers instead. I had not previously heard this and can't find any documentation to support this. Has anyone else heard anything about this?

X (EPSU) Modifiers

Need Help with CPT Code

What is the best CPT code for this

It involves a simple mastoidectomy, then removal of bone from the sigmoid sinus (large vein) in the mastoid, compression of it with bone chips, then covering this reconstruction with bone cement. The objective is to diminish, but not eliminate, blood flow through this vein to correct pulsatile tinnitus.

Need Help with CPT Code

ICD 10 Place of Occurance

There are times when coding our ED accounts that the physician does not state a place of occurance in the chart on an initial encounter for an injury.

Per the coding guidelines a place of occurance is to be used once at the initial encounter. The guidelines then states not to use the occurance code
Y92.9 if the place is not stated.

My question is, is Y92.9 to be used because it's the initial encounter or not because where it happened is not documented.

thanks so much!

ICD 10 Place of Occurance

Radiology Thyroid I-131 Therapy-Oral

I'm trying to find information on the correct way to code this procedure.
If the patient come in for the I-131 Therapy-Oral, do you use CPT 79005?
7 days later they have a Whole body scan 78018 is this correct?
Need help

Radiology Thyroid I-131 Therapy-Oral

mardi 22 septembre 2015

Capsulectomy with Implant Exhange - CPT Codes

What would the CPT codes be for a left partial capsulectomy with an implant exchange from a previous breast reconstruction.

Me: 19371 & 19340
Surgeon: 19371 & 19325

Thank you for your help.

Capsulectomy with Implant Exhange - CPT Codes

Can you bill for acupuncture in ED ??

Hi just wanted to know if acupuncture is billable in ED?
One of the doc has asked me. How much insurance pay for it ?

Can you bill for acupuncture in ED ??

Pediatric cardiology

I have a group of cardiologist that are billing the following for a office visit. I need help to see if this is appropriate.

99213-25 mod
93000-xu mod

Christina Davis CPC

Pediatric cardiology

Fall from ladder, rule out concussion

Help please with a primay diagnosis code for a pt who fell from a ladder and concussion was ruled out.

The pt did have some abrasions to the arms.

thank you

Fall from ladder, rule out concussion

transtelephonic rhythm strip pacemaker eval.

Im confused on cpt code 93293 Transtelephonic rhythm strip pacemaker evaluation. theres a note that indicates do not report 93293-93296 if the monitoring period is less than 30 days. Which code is considered the "monitoring period?"

please help

transtelephonic rhythm strip pacemaker eval.

37191 & 36005

Can anyone clarify for me if CPT 36005 is included in 37191? I'm thinking it may be but wanted to check.:)

37191 & 36005

First time Billing Ortho

I have a MD who wants to bill 80.16 arthrotomy and 81.54 total knee,
Procedure reports:
RIght total knee arthroplasty and removal of posterior compartment osteochondral loose body.

I've never done it this way before, any thoughts?


First time Billing Ortho


Coding and Billing question regarding: Rhophylac 1500 IU for intravenous or intramuscular Injection.
*NDC 44206-300-01*
Description: Rho (D) Immune Globulin Intravenous full-dose 300mcg

Is CPT code 90384 appropriate coding for Rhophylac Injection when billing commericial plans?
~ defined as: ■90384, Rho(D) immune globulin (RhIg), human, full-dose, for intramuscular use

I understand there is a Jcode that could be used and for some plans it is the only code. I am looking for specific information on CPT code 90384 and any information that would explain why it could NOT be used to bill commercial plans. Thanks in advance


h1b sponsorship or remote medical coder job

hi, i am 3 years experienced ER and HCC medical coder currently staying in newjersey on h4 visa. Looking for H1B sponsorship or remote medical coding jobs. Please help me in this

h1b sponsorship or remote medical coder job

Chronic Care Management

Hello fellow coders,

Do any of you have experience billing CCM codes 99490 (new in 2015) and 99487, 99489.

We are looking at billing for this service because we are performing all the work required for our chronic patients. It would be nice to capture reimbursement.

The documentation guidelines are pretty vague. I would love to see a copy of anything you may have that your using. Patient information removed of course.

Thank you,
Louise Slack

Chronic Care Management

Spinal Stenosis with Neuroclaudication

Does anybody know what ICD-10 code is replacing the ICD-9 code for Spinal Stenosis with Neuroclaudication? I have been researching and am not sure what to use for this, the ICD-9 code is 724.03. Thanks for anyone who can help. Susan

Spinal Stenosis with Neuroclaudication

ICD-10 2015 vs 2016

Sorry...maybe a a stupid question.........I recently bought the 2015 ICD-10 book to do some online training. Will it be necessary to purchase the 2016 ICD-10 book? I assume they are the same since we haven't "used" them yet.

ICD-10 2015 vs 2016

What do you want to see at HEALTHCON 2016??

Even though registration hasn't quite begun....many of us are starting to think about HealthCon 2016. I'm hoping to hear what kinds of breakout sessions you are interested in? For those of you working in a facility setting....what sessions would be of interest to you? What kind of training/information is most helpful?

Thanks in advance for your input.

What do you want to see at HEALTHCON 2016??

CPC exam results

Does anyone know how AAPC notifies you of test results? How will it show on your aapc account? THanks!

CPC exam results

surgery consult

When a patient has had a detailed history and exam, doctor recommended surgery, and the patient wants to come back in 2 weeks with their spouse and have the doctor go through the whole process over again, is there any way to justify billing the second visit?
Any thoughts are appreciated :-)

surgery consult

Lower Leg Angio though existing Sheath

I have a patient who came down from an earlier intervention that still had the sheath in place. Patient status changed later in the day with complaints of claudication physician brought patient down for revis of lower leg.

The intervention earlier was PTA with Stent placement of SFA.

I would like to code 75710 however what about the surgical code. Normally you have cath placement. In this case angio was done through already placed sheath.

Would I only code 75710?

Lower Leg Angio though existing Sheath

Continuity of Care coding for Medicare patients

Can someone guide me as to how we can bill for Continuity of Care to Medicare? What are the CPT codes and guidelines that we need to follow?

Continuity of Care coding for Medicare patients

Please help emr dx issues

I am very confused on some EMR Dx issues, in need of help. Our EMR has the smart search for Dr to put Dx in the assessment area. My problem is that my practice manager says that I can not change or add to this, meaning I have to use what he puts even when I know they are wrong and that some important one are missing. I have to have him change or add. My question is this true by officials guidelines with EMR somewhere? Me being the coder/biller isn't it my job to populate the HCFFA correctly?

Please help emr dx issues

Biceps Tendonosis

We are having a debate regarding the proper coding of Biceps Tendonosis- in this particular case, a 76 year old gentleman had a degenerative cuff tear and came in for an open repair. The doc stated that the patient had "biceps tendonosis/strain" and it was coded as 726.12. Someone suggested that this should have been coded as 840.8, but no injury was mentioned and this was a repair done for a degenerative condition. There has been some debate as to whether tendonitis and tendonosis are interchangeable terms- I know that in the ICD9 book, if you look under Bicep Tendonitis, it directs you to bicipital tenosynovitis (726.12). However, can you consider bicep tendonosis comparable to bicep tendonitis when looking for the correct code? If anyone has any old references they can point to that would provide reasoning, that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

Biceps Tendonosis

Consult Question

I have an ID consult as a client. She sometimes sees patients in critical care as well. I have two questions for anyone with experience billing consults.

1. If she does a critical care consult, do I put the code for initial/established patient and the critical care code, or do I only put the critical care code?

2. Do I need to put the referring doctor in order for the claim to be properly processed?


Consult Question

External Cause Codes

The company that I work for uses the External Causes of Morbidity. The new codes range from V00-Y99. ICD 9 had the cause codes: Excessive Physical Exertion, Sudden Strenuous Movement, and Repetitive Motion. What codes should we use for injuries caused by lifting objects (not people)?

External Cause Codes

Oncology - Office visit diagnosis education

Hi Everyone - Does anyone have any good suggests or know of any coding practices for oncology office visit. I was looking for something like the code rounds the AAPC use to have. Are there any classes, workshops, or webinars coming up for oncology diagnosis coding? I am not seeing anything on the AAPC website. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oncology - Office visit diagnosis education

ICD 10 Coding Concussions

We code concussions for pediatric offices, ICD 9 there was 850.? and then 310.2 Postconcussion Syndrome. Now with ICD 10 there is the initial, subsequent and sequela encounters, that we may need to use. The question is when to use the appropriate code and\or the postconcussion syndrome F07.81? Using the encounters for injuries, fractures, etc is understandable, however a little confusing for consussions.

Would like to know if anyone else is having an issue and any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Newport Chapter

ICD 10 Coding Concussions

lundi 21 septembre 2015

Help! Consult or New Patient?

Hello. I work for a pain management doctor and he sees what he thinks are a lot of consults. Most result in some type of management, or a subsequent procedure performed on a later date. My doctor thinks these should be billed as consults since the PTP is still participating in the patients care, he simply attempted to relive the patients pain, say with a standard ESI. I say these should be billed as a new patient appointment because he assuming the care of this specific issue and is providing an additional service other than his opinion. The frustrating part is the facility referring always marks both "referral" and "consult" then gets the patients insurance to authorize the consult code. He is using this as support for his argument that these visits are considered consults. Opinions please? Thanks!

Help! Consult or New Patient?