vendredi 28 août 2015

diagnosis code for screening or diagnostic colonoscopy

I have read most of the posts for screening vs diagnostic colonoscopy coding, but I don't believe I read one with the conundrum that I have. The performing physician's H&P documented the patient's symptoms. No mention in this H&P that a screening was to be performed; just the opposite: Colonoscopy & BX with Assessment of: Constipation and he gave indications on the op note as: #1-Screening; #2 change in bowel habitis. My hospital coded this with the symptoms as the primary dx and as a diagnostic colonoscopy. Now we have received a letter from the performing physician requesting this be changed to a screening colonoscopy as just the colonoscopy was done- nothing needed a biopsy and dx of screening. the physician office also supplied us with the primary care physician's H&P where the patient was seen there earlier that has a late entry stating that"Patient was sent for screening colonoscopy. She denied any symptoms at the time the colonoscopy was ordered." Can anyone give me advice on how you would handle this case? Do you accept the additional documentation and change coding or do you abide by the screening coding guidelines?

diagnosis code for screening or diagnostic colonoscopy

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