vendredi 28 août 2015

H&P requirements

We are having a discussion with our providers about the following scenario:

Pt admitted to Observation from ED. Same provider does the ED and writes an H&P for the Observation. Than the next day same provider/or provider from same practice admits the pt to Acute care. Patient is later discharged on a different day.

Question: if the H&P is used as the Observation note for that day, can it also be used for the Acute admit on the following day. Since the H&P has to be done within 24 hours, doesn't the H&P for an Acute stay start with the Acute admit date/time order.

They say the H&P should be allowed to cover the Observation and Acute admit. I am saying that the ED report can be used for the Observation admit but if they do the H&P on the Observation admit day than that day it is tied to that date's note. I say the H&P can't be used for both dates. It's double dipping. Am I wrong?

Diann DoBran CPC, COC

H&P requirements

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