lundi 29 septembre 2014

CPT 25115 RT and 64721 59RT

For any of my subject matter experts with regards to the above coding scenario- opinions regarding coding would be greatly appreciated and welcomed:

Preoperative DX: Recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome, right wrist

Post Op DX: Recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome, right wrist

Procedures Performed: Decompression and neurolysis, right median nerve at the wrist

The Op Report indicates the following:

"The median nerve was found to be compressed and erythematous. Extensive neurolysis and synovectomy were carried out as needed"

Would CPT 25115 RT and 64721 RT be appropriate for the above scenario?

I am aware that these codes are bundled when billed in conjunction with one another- therefore my gut is telling me that modifier 59 appended to CPT 64721 is most likely not appropriate. Any direction would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

CPT 25115 RT and 64721 59RT

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