dimanche 16 novembre 2014

urology coding question

Can I please get some feedback from those who code urology on a regular basis? I am billing the radiology profees only and feel that this is being coded incorrectly. This is being coded 74020, 74420-RT, 74420-LT. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Below is the report in question.

Retrograde pyelogram. Radiography for ureteral stent placement.

Indication: Distal ureteral stricture.


Retrograde pyelogram: The distal ureter was opacified with contrast material via a ureteral catheter.

This demonstrates a short but tight distal ureteral structure. The structure is located at the level of the mid pelvis. Precise measurements cannot be obtained on these images for technical reasons.

The ureter appears to be slightly distended proximal to the stricture.

Radiography for stent placement: A single image demonstrates a right ureteral stent extending from the presumed level of the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder. No other abnormality is seen.


1. Short tight distal ureteral stricture demonstrated on retrograde pyelography.

2. Right ureteral stent present on final image extending from level of renal pelvis to urinary bladder.

urology coding question

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