vendredi 22 août 2014

Need Office Visit CPT codes Reviewed

Provider wants to code a G0439 for the MDCR Wellness Visit plus a 99213 for his problems discussed and 17000 17003x4 for ak destruction. Do you feel the 99213 should be coded with the G0439. I thought the MDCR Wellness visit was to include all chronic and new problems the patient might be having. I'm okay with the G0439 and the destruction codes but I don't see how I can also code a 99213.

Primary Provider:

CC: Annual PE -fatigue and not sleeping.

History of Present Illness:

Patient presented for HCM exam. Doing OK. Only major concern is that he is not sleeping at nigth. Is a bit stressed over wife with ALZ.

No snoring; is tired during day.

Labs reviewed --not at goal.

No problems with meds.

End of life care reviewed; Healthy lifestyle reviewed. Preventative services reviewed. PSA discussed and he declines; no LUTS.

High risk depression as he assumes caregiver role.

Hypertension History:

He denies headache, chest pain, palpitations, dyspnea with exertion, PND, peripheral edema, and side effects from treatment.

Positive major cardiovascular risk factors include male age 45 years old or older, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. Negative major cardiovascular risk factors include no history of diabetes, negative family history for ischemic heart disease, and non-tobacco-user status.

Further assessment for target organ damage reveals no history of ASHD, cardiac end-organ damage (CHF/LVH), stroke/TIA, peripheral vascular disease, renal insufficiency, or hypertensive retinopathy.

Lipid Management History:

Positive NCEP/ATP III risk factors include male age 45 years old or older, HDL cholesterol less than 40, and hypertension. Negative NCEP/ATP III risk factors include non-diabetic, no family history for ischemic heart disease, non-tobacco-user status, no ASHD (atherosclerotic heart disease), no prior stroke/TIA, no peripheral vascular disease, and no history of aortic aneurysm.

The patient states that he does not know about the "Therapeutic Lifestyle Change" diet. His compliance with the TLC diet is fair. The patient does not know about adjunctive measures for cholesterol lowering.

Past Medical History:

Reviewed history from 09/21/2012 and no changes required:


Colon CA

-- s/p recection 2001

-- Last Colonoscopy 2009

Renal Cell CA

-- s/p recestion 1998

RLL Lung Carcinoid

-- s/p resection 6/02

Normal Cardiac Catheterization, 2007

Basal Cell CA, nose, resected

Past Surgical History:

Reviewed history from 04/16/2007 and no changes required:

R Hemicolectomy

Lung Resection

Kidney Resection

Basal Cell CA resection

Family History:

Reviewed history and no changes required:

Mom -- Died age 94

Dad -- Died age 92

Social History:

Reviewed history from 06/14/2011 and no changes required:

Married; lives in

Caregiver for wife with ALZ

Risk Factors:

Tobacco use: former smoker

Year quit: 2000

Family History Risk Factors:

Family History of MI in females < 65 years old: no

Family History of MI in males < 55 years old: no

Review of Systems


Complains of weakness and sleep disorder.

Denies fever and weight loss.


Denies vision loss - both eyes.


Denies difficulty swallowing.


Denies chest pain or discomfort, racing/skipping heart beats, shortness of breath with exertion, palpitations, and swelling of hands or feet.


Denies shortness of breath.


Denies abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, and bloody stools.



Complains of nocturia and erectile dysfunction.

Denies urinary frequency and urinary hesitancy.


Complains of joint pain and back pain.

Denies muscle weakness.


a bunch of fleshy lesions; not concerning to him


Denies numbness and tingling.


Denies anxiety and depression.


Complains of weight change.


Denies bleeding and abnormal bruising.

Vital Signs:

Patient Profile:

Height: 67.0 inches

Weight: 247.5 pounds

BMI: 38.90

BSA: 2.22

Temp: 96.6 degrees F temporal

Pulse rate: 80 / minute

Pulse rhythm: regular

BP sitting: 142 / 78 (left arm)

Cuff size: large

Vitals Entered By:

Physical Exam


Obese male, no acute distress


PERRL/EOM intact, conjunctiva and sclera clear with out nystagmus.


TM's intact and clear with normal canals with grossly normal hearing.


no deformity, discharge, inflammation, or lesions.


no deformity or lesions with good dentition.


no masses, thyromegaly, or abnormal cervical nodes.


clear bilaterally to auscultation.


non-displaced PMI, chest non-tender; regular rate and rhythm, S1, S2 without murmurs, rubs, or gallops


normal bowel sounds; no hepatosplenomegaly no ventral,umbilical hernias or masses noted.


normal size prostate without nodules or asymmetry


Benign nevi diffusely

AK on Ear and Forehead


alert and cooperative; normal mood and affect; normal attention span and concentration.

Test Management:

Tests Reviewed:

BUN: 16 04/25/2014

Creatinine: 1.08 04/25/2014

Sodium: 136 04/25/2014

Potassium: 3.9 04/25/2014

Chloride: 102 04/25/2014

SGOT (AST): 20 04/25/2014

SGPT (ALT): 27 04/25/2014

PROTEIN, TOT: 7.5 09/15/2012

ALBUMIN: 3.2 09/15/2012

ALK PHOS: 75 09/15/2012

BILI TOTAL: 1.00 09/15/2012

CHOLESTEROL: 173 04/25/2014


NOT DONE MG/DL (04/25/2014)

HDL: 32 04/25/2014

Impression & Recommendations:

Problem # 1: INSOMNIA (ICD-780.52)




Problem # 3: DYSLIPIDEMIA (ICD-272.9)

Will try to reduce carbs and follow; recheck in August. Flag made.

His updated medication list for this problem includes:

Zocor 40 Mg Tabs (Simvastatin) ..... 1 po q pm

Problem # 4: HYPERTENSION (ICD-401.9)

A bit up. Increase exercise and watch

His updated medication list for this problem includes:

Micardis Hct 80-12.5 Mg Tabs (Telmisartan-hctz) ..... 1 tab po q.d.

Problem # 5: Hx of ADENOCARCINOMA, COLON (ICD-153.9)

Due for scope. Refer.


Colonoscopy (COLONOS)

Problem # 6: Preventive Health Care (ICD-V70.0)

See below and discussion above.

Problem # 7: ACTINIC KERATOSIS (ICD-702.0)

5 Lesions frozen


Destruction 1st Lesion (CPT-17000)

Destruction 2-14 Lesions (CPT-17003)

Problem # 8: ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (ICD-302.72)

His updated medication list for this problem includes:

Viagra 100 Mg Tab (Sildenafil citrate) ..... 1/2 - 1 tab po prn

Medications Added to Medication List This Visit:

1) Viagra 100 Mg Tab (Sildenafil citrate) .... 1/2 - 1 tab po prn

2) Remeron 15 Mg Tab (Mirtazapine) .... 1 po qhs

Hypertension Assessment/Plan:

The patient's hypertensive risk group is category B: At least one risk factor (excluding diabetes) with no target organ damage. Today's blood pressure is 142/78.

Lipid Assessment/Plan:

Based on NCEP/ATP III, the patient's risk factor category is "2 or more risk factors and a calculated 10 year CAD risk of > 20%". The patient's lipid goals have been set as follows: Total cholesterol goal is 200; LDL cholesterol goal is 100; HDL cholesterol goal is 40; Triglyceride goal is 150. His cholesterol goal has not been met. His HDL goal has not been met. His Triglyceride goal has not been met.

His BMI is calculated to be 38.90. The patient has triglyceride level over 150, an HDL less than 40 (male), and systolic blood pressure greater than 130. This meets the criteria for dysmetabolic syndrome. Recommended treatments for the dysmetabolic syndrome were discussed with the patient including weight management, regular exercise, better blood pressure control, and lipid management.

Colorectal Screening:

Colon Cancer risk factors:

PMH of Colorectal CA

Current Recommendations:

Colonoscopy recommended: scheduled

PSA Screening:

Reviewed PSA screening recommendations: Pro's and Cons's of PSA discussed and patient chooses to defer

Immunization & Chemoprophylaxis:

Tetanus vaccine: Tdap (06/17/2011)

Influenza vaccine: Historical (09/13/2013)

Pneumovax: Pneumovax (06/17/2011)

Patient Instructions:

1) Try Remeron for sleep

2) Try Viagra as needed

3) More exercise, less carbs -- "mediterranean diet" or "low carb" diets (South Beach, the "Zone")

4) Recheck cholesterol in August -- if not better need to adjust meds

5) Can schedule to have skin lesions removed

6) Skin lesion frozen today

7) Colonoscopy!


VIAGRA 100 MG TAB (SILDENAFIL CITRATE) 1/2 - 1 tab PO prn #9 x 6

REMERON 15 MG TAB (MIRTAZAPINE) 1 po qhs #30 x 0

Need Office Visit CPT codes Reviewed

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